We offer a range of bespoke training packages designed to assist your business to meet its regulatory requirements. In recognition of the desire for more effective training we ensure that our training is interactive and relevant to your business. We have provided case study based training to numerous businesses delivering to all levels of employees. We currently provide training in the following areas, but can accommodate most training needs:

  • Sanctions
  • Regulatory pitfalls
  • GDPR
  • Fund specific
  • Directors’ Duties
  • Regulatory Investigations
  • Governance
  • 14.02.2024 Company News
    ObenView issue 11: Conduct Risk
  • 02.05.2023 Law Regulatory
    Deferred Prosecution Agreements (DPA) – an update

    In our previous article, we covered DPAs – what they are, why they are being introduced, the draft legislation and the implications for Jersey.  The legislation- The Criminal Justice (Deferred …

  • 15.03.2023 Regulatory
    Regulation: a tool to help business practice?

    Oben Regulatory featured in the Telegraph Business Guide on 11 March 2023. Financial services businesses have long been enlisted by governments into the fight against financial crime and terrorist and …